Lynn Boggess


 When viewers comment about the work of Lynn Boggess, they often refer to senses other than sight.  They say, “I can smell the mud” or “I can feel the mist”. The paintings are not merely descriptions of scenes – certainly, they do not denote a tourist’s vision. Rather they reveal an intimate communion with a particular time and place.

Born in rural West Virginia, USA, Lynn spent his early years exploring the natural world around him. After spending a number of years studying and working in postmodern art styles, he discovered the incredible connection that he could create with nature painting en plein air.

Working out of doors in the woodlands and fields that bring him his inspiration, Lynn has developed his own style of Tactile Realism, using thickly textured layers of paint to bring the viewer directly into the scene.

Nearly everyone who has walked on a hillside or stood in a wooded grove can hear, smell, and feel the place where the artist stood. (Jennifer Hall Boggess)

Watch Lynn in action on location

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